Well curated list! I also like the technology catalogues published by the Danish Energy Authority. They offer more depth compared to Lazard’s LCOE

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Many Thanks, this is really helpful

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Thanks for the mention Julien :)

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These are super helpful! Thanks for sharing!

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Many thanks for your reference list - I bookmarked your post!

A source I am missing is the International Renewable Energy Agency: https://www.irena.org/

Also on Substack is Auke Hoekstra (https://aukehoekstra.substack.com), who gave us the beautiful graph which debunked the IEA's PV growth. Recent papers of Auke and Co-workers are a must read: https://www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/auke-hoekstra

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Most of everything coming from IEA is climate hysteria propaganda EIA is better at the very least

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Thanks for sharing Julien. Looks like we need to up our game to be included on your list 😬. Let's see if we can inspire any of your future posts!!

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Thank you Julien! sharing an additional data visualisation tool for future posts: https://electricity-data.eurelectric.org/

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