Online resources on electricity and energy
A list of websites containing useful information on the electricity/energy sector
In this post, we present a list of websites containing useful information on the electricity and energy sectors. We use these sources of information regularly in our analyses and posts.
The list is more of a work in progress and if you have additional websites, do not hesitate to add them in the comments section.
1. Energy-charts
This website compiles interesting information on electricity generation and market prices for all European countries. The data is easy to download and the graphical representation is well-made.
It has also more precise data on Switzerland and especially Germany.
2. IEA
The International Energy Agency has a great database of information on energy with a graphical tool incorporated.
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) has an incredible database of all the information about the European power grids.
4. Ember Climate
Ember Climate is well-known for its great research on electricity and they have an open tool for presenting data.
5. Electricity maps
An interesting tool to present emissions from the power sector per zone.
6. Market prices
Power market prices are displayed on the various websites of the market operators. Here is a non-exhaustive list:
EPEX - Western Europe and the UK.
NordPool - Nordic countries and the UK.
Iberian peninsula. This website has very interesting complementary data. See an example here concerning marginal price-setting technologies per hour.
7. Grid Status (US)
This website presents various information on various parts of the US grids, including CAISO, ERCOT, NYISO, ISONE, PJM, and MISO.
8. Focus on Australia
Some developers have created fascinating visualizations of Australian electricity data. This one has a great view of generation per day and per bidding zone, while this one presents a broad range of information including renewables curtailment for example.
9. Elia - Belgian TSO
The Transmission System Operator of Belgium, Elia, has developed a great list of tools to visualize generation schedules, balancing, forecasting of wind and solar, etc.
10. Balancing in Germany
Concerning Germany, balancing prices are published here1, while the results of auctions for power reserves are published here.
11. EIA
The US Energy Information Administration, or EIA, possesses a good list of data for the US.
12. Statistical Review of World Energy
A great source for an account of energy production, consumption, trade, and emissions.
13. Our world in data
This website has information on energy but also many other topics. It is very user-friendly.
14. Battery charts in Germany
Interesting database on the installation of batteries in Germany.
15. Other tools
This website has some interesting representations of data and additional information is regularly added to the platform.
Frank Boerman has developed an interesting platform with visualization of less well-known information such as transmission constraints, etc.
This tool has some interesting data representation on electricity with a focus on Europe and France in particular.
The website Netztransparenz is publishing more data on the German grid.
Thank you for this information, one more source of information that I see people use is the BP Energy Outlook
Thank you for your generous post.